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Latika Super Specialty Eye Clinic
Latika Eye Clinic – Eye care clinic Malad west – Call Now 8591733419
Eye specialist doctor near me in Malad and gynecologist ladies doctor near me, Goregaon Mumbai

Eye Clinic in Goregaon west, Mumbai
Eye specialist doctor near me – Eye care clinic in Mumbai, Gynecologist, Best eye hospital in Malad Mumbai, Children’s Eye specialist near me @ Latika specialty eye care clinic near me

Eye specialist doctor near me & Children’s Eye specialist in Mumbai – Latika Specialty Clinic, Goregaon, Malad west
Superspecialty eye care services in Malad west at Latika eye clinic Malad west – Call Now 8591733419
Gynecologist near me in Goregaon west, Malad west

Eye specialist doctor near me – Latika Eye Clinic Malad west is one of the Best vision and eye care centers of excellence located at Malad west, Goregaon west Mumbai.
Dr Manish Shyamkul is an expert best eye doctor in Mumbai, eye surgeon, and best pediatric ophthalmologist in Mumbai and under his guidance, we are able to deliver state of the art eye care services in Mumbai Malad west Goregaon.
Facilities available,
Children’s Eye Specialist near me
Low Vision Clinic
Congenital Naso Lacrimal Duct Obstruction
Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment
Emergency Eye Hospital near me
Eye specialist doctor near me – Best Eye Doctor in Malad west, Goregaon west & Super-specialty Top Eye Specialist in Mumbai.
You may have to scroll a bit down to see the FAQ on Eye health,Eye check-up,Eye doctor & Eye treatment in Mumbai
Eye Specialist doctor in Mumbai

Eye care clinic near me
Latika Eye & Maternity Specialty Clinic is one of the Best eye hospital in Mumbai for your health care.
Eye specialist doctor near me – we have super-specialty Children’s eye specialists in Mumbai & Total eye care clinic in Malad west, Goregaon, Gynecologist ladies specialist doctor’s clinic in Goregaon.
Call Now- 7506643458
Dr Manish Shyamkul Children’s Eye-specialist [pediatric ophthalmologist in Mumbai] consultant Eye specialist in Mumbai is a trained and certified super-specialist eye doctor with over 10 years of experience.
Eye specialist doctor near me – He is also an Ex-Lecturer-Sir.J.J. Hospital, Mumbai.
When does a child need glasses
Our super-specialty consultants are experienced, skilled, trained, and certified by the Best Eye hospital in India.
We have one of the top child’s eye specialist in Mumbai (child eye specialist near me).
Super-specialty Eye Care Services in Mumbai
Women’s Health Clinic Malad west, goregaon west (gynecologist doctor Malad west, goregaon west) – services are also available.
Our minimum waiting & appointment is 25 minutes.
Specialty – Services at Latika Eye Clinic in Malad west, Goregaon west, Mumbai
Eye Specialist in Mumbai
Gynecologist in goregaon, Mumbai
Children’s Eye Specialist in Mumbai
Pregnancy & Maternity Clinic goregaon west Mumbai
Squint Eye Specialist in Mumbai,India (child & adult)
Infertility Clinic in Mumbai
Eye specialist doctor near me – Eye specialist doctor at Latika eye and maternity clinic Mumbai Goregaon west is an experienced, skilled, trained, and certified child eye specialist in Mumbai. He is one of the best eye doctor in Mumbai for diagnosis and treatment of adult eye diseases and child eye diseases (eye specialist children’s hospital)
As a part of patient education ,we have multiple article and informative material present of our website.[Eye Clinic in Goregaon west,Mumbai]
Most important and frequently asked questions about
- Eye vision
- Carrot for good Eyesight-Carrot Eyesight Facts and Myths
- Child’s eyesight
- Children’s eye tests
- Kids eye vision improvement exercises
- Eye exercises for eye sight vision improvement
- Home eye exercises
- are all answered and explained in detail for parents education and patients education.
Our eye center is one of the best eye hospitals in Mumbai to treat your eye diseases, eyesight problems and solutions (eye clinic near me).
Eye specialist doctor near me – Best eye Doctor in Mumbai for your eye problem treatment and best child’s eye doctor in Mumbai for your child’s eye problems ,
- Lazy eye
- Squint
- Cataract
- Congenital cataract in infants and children
- Acquired cataracts in children and adults
- Age-related cataracts in adults &
- Children’s eye diseases.
Latika eye care at Malad west is a unique and comprehensive-Total Eye Care in Mumbai, Malad west Goregaon.
- Total eye care services best eye care center in mumbai.Eye specialist doctor near me
- Glaucoma treatment in Malad west
- LASIK in Malad west
- Oculo-plasty in Malad west
- Pediatric Ophthalmology in Malad west
- Neuro-Ophthalmology in Malad west
- Cataract diagnosis in Malad west
- Cataract treatment in Malad west
- Cataract surgery-suture-less in Malad west
- Cataract Phacoemulsification surgeries in Malad west
- Emergency-eye injury (eye clinic near me) in Malad west
- Mechanical eye injury in Malad west
- Chemical eye injury in Malad west
- Accidental eye injuries –eye specialist near me for emergency eye treatment in Malad west
Child-Friendly Eye Specialist in Malad west Mumbai
Eye specialist doctor near me – We at Latika Eye Clinic Malad west are one the most child-friendly eye clinic in Mumbai, as been reviewed by our patients.
Feel free to check our reviews and talk to talk them in person, confirm our reviews about the best children’s eye specialist near me in Mumbai, get satisfied, and only then visit out for consultation about your eye problems or your child’s eye problems and eye diseases.[Eye Clinic in Goregaon West, Mumbai, best eye hospital in Mumbai]
Children’s eye specialist near me Mumbai
Children’s eye specialist doctor in Malad west with more than 12 yrs of experience (child eye specialist near me).
We use the latest, portable, child-friendly digital equipment from the U.S.A.
We have a dedicated child eye care unit which is one of the best in Mumbai. ( Eye Specialist for Kids Mumbai.)
Eye specialist doctor near me – Child eye examination is a tough job. Latika child eye hospital in Mumbai is a dedicated eye care center for treating your eyesight problems and solutions, and your child’s eye problems.[Latika Eye Clinic in Malad west, Goregaon West, Mumbai]
We are committed to taking care of your eyes and your child’s eyes and always try our best to examine your children’s eyes in the most friendly manner.
FAQs on Eye Health, Eye check-up, good Eye treatment, best Eye doctor in Malad west, Mumbai
How often should I visit an eye clinic to get my eyes checked?
- There is no protocol at present about how frequently one should get eye checked.
- If you are suffering from eye problems than your eye check is frequent.
- If you are suffering from any eye disease or eye problem, then you must visit an eye doctor in Malad west Mumbai Goregaon,urgently.
For routine eye check-ups- [Eye specialist doctor near me],
- If you are an adult, then it is a good idea to get eye check-up done 1 yearly.
- If you are talking about eye check-up in children, 1 yearly I check-up should suffice.
- If you are already suffering from eye problems, then depending on the nature of your eye disease your eye specialist doctor, ophthalmologist will decide about your next follow-up.
- If your child is already using glass power, and with glasses, vision improvement is 20/20, then 6 -to 8 monthly follow-ups should suffice.
- But if your child is already using glasses and still the vision is not improved to 20/20, then you are a pediatric ophthalmologist, the eye doctor for your child’s eye disease will plan the treatment accordingly, and suggest you the next possible follow-up to see improvement in your child’s eye sight & eye vision. In such cases, frequent eye check-up for your child is recommended. As per protocol 3 monthly follow up for children with reduced eye vision or lazy eyes is better.
This is a routine practice pattern, which we are following as eye doctors in Malad west, goregaon west at Latika eye and maternity clinic – LATIKA Children Eye Clinic & Squint Clinic at Malad west, goregaon west, Mumbai. Our eye clinic-Latika eye and maternity clinic is one of the best eye clinics In Malad west, goregaon west with Dr. Manish Shyamkul best eye doctor in Mumbai & eye surgeon, one of the best eye specialists in Malad west, goregaon west, Mumbai. [Eye Clinic in Goregaon west, Mumbai]
What happens during an eye exam at eye clinics in Mumbai?
- Eye exams at clinics in Mumbai or anywhere in the world, comprises of the comprehensive eye examination. Eye specialist doctor near me in Malad west Mumbai.
- When you visit for your exam at clinics in Mumbai, your eye specialist doctor will do a complete eye examination for your eyes in Malad west Mumbai.
- The tests which are performed during a comprehensive examination are as follows,
- Eye vision checkup in Malad west Mumbai – without any assistance of glasses, with bare Eyes how much are you able to see, is documented.
- Refraction- the test called refraction is also called your eyeglass power checkup. With the assistance of glass power, how much visual improvement occurs is noted and glasses are prescribed.
- Dilatation of pupils- Pupils are dilated with the help of eye drops for detailed check-up of your eyes
- Dilated Eye Examination – examination of the nerves inside your eye, to see the health of the optic nerves.
- Retina examination in Malad west Mumbai – to see any of the diseases affecting the retina and to rule out side effects of any medication or side effects of chronic disorders like diabetes and hypertension.
- Intra-ocular pressure evaluation- a measurement of intra-ocular pressure- a measurement of the pressure inside the eye.
- Once all the above tests are done. This is called a comprehensive eye examination in Malad west at Latika eye clinic.
- Depending on the nature of your eye problem, or the eye disease you are suffering from, treatment is prescribed either in the form of eye drops, eye ointment, antibiotics, tablets, eyeglasses, etc.
- This is a routine practice pattern, which we are following as an eye doctors in Malad west, Goregaon west at Latika eye and maternity clinic-LATIKA Children Eye Clinic & Squint Clinic at Goregaon West, Mumbai. Our eye clinic-Latika eye and maternity clinic is one of the best eye clinics In Goregaon west with Dr. Manish Shyamkul best eye doctor in Mumbai & eye surgeon, one of the best eye specialists in Malad west, Mumbai, Goregaon West, Mumbai.
How long does an eye test take?
- It takes about 25 to 30 minutes, for a comprehensive eye check-up including dilatation eye drops. Eye specialist doctor near me in Malad west, Mumbai
- But it totally depends on you if you wish to get your eyes dilated by dilating eye drops and get your optic nerve and retina examination done. If you are in a hurry, and do not wish to dilate eye examination due to any reason then a routine eye examination takes about 20 minutes.
- It is always advisable, to get a complete eye examination done by installing dilating eye drops so that the ophthalmologist will be able to check your optic nerve and the retina for any signs of disease.
- It is for your own good, to undergo a dilated detail eye checkup and examination in Malad west, Mumbai.
- Most of the patients avoid dilating eye drops test, as after installation of dilating eye drops your vision gets blurry for about 3 hours. After 3 hours the effect of the Drop goes away and vision clears up.
- It is this blurry vision due to dilating eye drops, which prevents most of the patients to undergo a dilated eye examination.
- But you must understand that a detailed eye examination after putting dilatation eye drops enables your eye doctor to get a Clear View of your optic nerve and retina.
- Diseases of the optic nerve and retina can be diagnosed only after putting dilatation eye drops.
- Only after using dilatation eye drop, does your eye examination becomes a complete eye examination.
- So never be in a hurry when you are going for a comprehensive examination, and get your eye checked up in detail, by allowing your eye specialist doctor to use dilating eye drops.
- This is a routine practice pattern, which we are following as eye doctor Malad west, Mumbai, Goregaon west at Latika eye and maternity clinic – LATIKA Children Eye Clinic & Squint Clinic at Goregaon West, Mumbai, Latika Eye Clinic Malad west. Our eye clinic-Latika eye and maternity clinic is one of the best eye clinics In Malad west, Goregaon west with Dr. Manish Shyamkul best eye doctor in Mumbai & eye surgeon, one of the best eye specialists in Malad west, Goregaon West, Mumbai.
Our You-tube channel
Eye specialist doctor near me – “Latika eye and maternity clinic-Eye specialist in Mumbai” is our you-tube channel with lots of informative videos. [Latika Eye Clinic in Malad west, Goregaon West Mumbai]
Meditation Counseling in Mumbai,goregaon west
Anxiety buster and free meditation classes for our patients.

Google Reviews
Latika Eye care & women’s health care in Mumbai goregaon

Total eye care in Mumbai, Goregaon
Children’s eye specialist in south Mumbai
Gynecologist in Mumbai Goregaon west.
Women’s Health Clinic ( gyn doctor near me) at Latika eye and maternity specialty clinic Malad west, Goregaon Mumbai, is one of the top ladies specialist doctors near me in Mumbai.
Gynecologist (gynecologist doctor goregaon west) at Latika eye and maternity super specialty Hospital is an Ex-doctor from Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai.
Gynecologist consultant doctor ,ladies specialist dr near me is a trained, qualified, and experienced Gynecologist & Obstetrician M.B.B.S, (M.S) – post graduate from Sion Hospital and an ex-associate of Lilavati Hospital.
Our ladies specialist doctor and consultant Gynecologist at Latika clinic is one of the top gynecologist in Mumbai.(gyn dr near me)
Women’s Health Clinic goregaon west (ladies specialist doctor in goregaon west) and Obstetrician has immense experience and expertise in
- Gynecology
- Maternity
- Infertility
- Laparoscopic surgeries
- Hysterectomy specialist,
- Family planning
- Pregnancy care
- Delivery care
- Post-delivery care
- Pregnancy planning
- Follow-ups and check-up during pregnancy,
- Management of normal deliveries
- Assisted deliveries and complicated cases.
So if you are searching for gynecologist near me, you are at the correct place, Book your appointment now !
To read detail profile of our consultants please click – best eye doctor in goregaon ,best gynecologist in goregaon,Women’s Health Clinic goregaon west gynecologist doctor goregaon west , Pediatric Eye Specialist

We love to help, for inquiry, call now !
We are flexible with clinic timings. We respect patients’ time and try to decrease patients waiting time as much as possible. We request to all our patients take prior appointments so that we can help you better. Book your appointment now for an eye doctor in Malad west, goregaon west.
Timing –
Monday-Saturday :
MORNING – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM,
EVENING – 7:00 pm to 10:00pm
sunday – open
Emergency eye treatment in Mumbai – Open 24 hours , 24/7 -Latika eye clinic Goregaon west,Mumbai
Latika Eye Clinic in Malad west & Best Gynecologist in goregaon
Eye Clinic in Goregaon west,Mumbai
Address- kalpaka CHS bldg No.1, Shop No.3, Road No.16, Siddharth Nagar Opposite Chota Jain Mandir, near Siddhrath Hospital, near joggers park near jensava bulding, Siddharth Nagar, Goregaon West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400062
Phone: +91 75 0664 3458,
+91 70 4558 8268,
+91 98 1909 3478
Email: [email protected]
Eye specialist doctor near me – Are you still searching for, the best eye doctor in Malad west, make sure you visit, the best eye specialist in Malad west eye center @ Latika Eye Clinic in Malad west,Mumbai – phone number 8591733419. Eye Clinic in Malad West, Mumbai
Eye Doctor in Malad west
LATIKA EYE CLINIC MALAD WEST Aditya Co.Op Hsg Society, Chincholi Bunder Rd near Mashayakh Masjid, Chincholi Bunder, Malad West, Mumbai,Maharashtra 400064, phone number – 8591733419