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The Passion Of Meditation: Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation
The passion of meditation:Mindfulness Meditation,
Mindfulness Meditation – The passion of meditation is a wonderful collection of all the questions you ever wanted to ask regarding meditation. The passion of meditation is not just an e-book, but it is the book of meditation.
We have always been fooled by the false concepts which have been imposed on us by the society.

The passion of meditation is a book which clears all the misconceptions and brings to light the true meaning of meditation and the truth about the practice of meditation.
Most commonly asked questions regarding meditation have been explained in a simple manner so that it can be understood by the fellow beings from different parts of the world and of different age groups
Description –
The Passion of Meditation: Mindfulness Meditation
The passion of meditation is a tale of passion for meditation; this not only encompasses and also emphasises on the principles of meditation but also brings to light the meaning of meditation with the correct view.
Mindfulness Meditation
Many fellow beings have been involved in the practice of meditation for several years but have failed to achieve results, such are the topics which have been discussed in detail in this wonderful collection of question and answers called as passion of meditation.

This book not only explains us the basics of meditation but also discusses in detail about the mindfulness and the self-analysis which goes hand in hand along with meditation.
The passion of meditation
This book the passion of meditation discusses in detail about what is meditation and what is not meditation.

Meditation has always remained buried in the grey areas due to the lack of clear understanding and due to which many have taken undue advantage by selling everything else in the name of meditation.
The truth about meditation aids, meditation music and relaxation music have been discussed in detail so that fellow beings are no more fooled in the name of meditation.

The passion of meditation can act only as a guide in your journey of meditation but the journey is yours and you and only you will have to walk on this journey.
Nobody else can walk for you on this journey and that is why it is very important for you to take this first step towards knowledge, towards the passion of meditation which will not only help you in your journey but will also act as a companion, a friendly guide who will show you the correct direction. Passion of meditation is not just a book, but it is the complete book of meditation. All the best on your journey of meditation.

If you need any help regarding meditation, you can also read our other publication by same author,Manish.V.Shaymkul,
- “The Thinking Buddha” – Origin Of Thought,thoughts during meditation,how to control thoughts during meditation
- “Universal Truth about Meditation”
- “The Meaning Of Life” – Mind Over Matter.
- “Meditations And Beyond!-One page a day towards Stress-free, Mindful and Meaningful Life”
- “Overcoming Depression”- Mindfulness Meditation.
- The Answer To Life-Meditation and Mindful Living-Best Book On Meditation.
If you are curious and have lots of questions, you can visit our you-tube channel-“Latika Eye And Maternity Clinic(Best children’s eye specialist in Mumbai,Goregaon ,INDIA), to watch free you-tube videos on Mindfulness Meditation.

Still, if you want we are also conducting courses on meditation,MEDITATION SESSIONS,meditation counseling sessions,and meditation training programs-special sessions on demand basis are also arranged for international students and for those who need help, please feel free to contact us for the same- best mindfulness meditation classes & training programs for mindfulness meditation in goregaon Mumbai INDIA.

Basically here we try to clear the confusion of your mind. Once the confusion of the turbulent mind disappears, it clams down and the true knowledge appears which you and only you can experience after calming your mind. But for this your mental blocks must dissolve, and we help to dissolve these mental blocks by answering your questions.

Many students’ fellow beings,and individuals suffering from depression,anziety,anger and other states of mind, are of the opinion that these question-answer sessions have helped them in their journey. If you wish to register for such counseling session, you can contact me on,
Email – [email protected]
For reading further,
Website – http://www.latikaeyeandmaternityclinic.com/
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