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Meditations And Beyond – one page a day,towards stress-free, mindful and meaningful life. (vol-1)
Meditations by Manish Shyamkul, meditations meaning is clarity,we all know this .But how many of us have experienced this clarity.
Meditation means calm mind,but how many of us have felt the calmness of mind.
Meditation means knowledge ,we all have read or heard it some where or the other.
But how many of have realized this knowledge in our daily meditations real meaning is understood ,felt and realized only when we go beyond meditations theoretical concept and step in the practical meaning of meditations in real routine daily life activities.
Once this real meaning of meditation id realized ,the illusions of life dissolve as if they never existed.
In the absence of the colorful illusions,the light of knowledge shines and uncovers the true meaning of life,meaning of breath,meaning of depression,meaning of suffering and meaning of meditations untold truth.
This book ,has helped millions of fellow beings who were suffering from depression,sadness,anxiety,anger,and stress.
The way this book has helped many ,i am sure ,it will prove to be of great help to you ,provided you follow all the instructions mentioned in this book.
Do not skip any of the chapters as they are dependent on each other,and to achieve the maximum benefit of this book on meditations,please read this book often,when required.
This book has illustrated daily life examples ,so that one can relate the role of meditations and meditations benefit in daily activities.
This book is an attempt to make you realize the true meaning of life,meaning of meditations,meaning of each and every breath,meaning of knowledge and meaning of relationships,meaning of marriage,meaning of wealth,meaning of fame ,meaning of pride, and meaning of ego.
This book is based on my experience of meditations knowledge and the teachings of Buddha.
Meditations And Beyond !: one page a day,towards stress-free, mindful and meaningful life. (vol-1)
Which is the best book on meditation for beginners,Budding Meditators and Experienced Practitioners
The best book on meditation for beginners,Budding Meditators and Experienced Practitioners is Meditations and Beyond, by Author Manish Shyamkul.
Meditations by Manish Shyamkul
“We can only act as a guide in this journey , but remember this journey is yours,& only you can take the first step,nobody else can do it for you and nobody else can walk for you on this journey” .
This book is an ultimate compilation of lectures on meditation, meditation counselling sessions, and meditation seminars, which has been presented in a question and answer format, and in the simplest possible manner.
We all have heard this concept called as “meditation” and most of you must have read a lot about meditations, and some of you must be practicing meditation for several years. Meditations knowledge has been acquired by all of us from different sources like e-books, training programs for meditation, meditation classes, meditation mats, and the list goes on.
But what are the results, do you think you have got the desired results from such meditation training programs. If your answer is “yes”, you may stop reading this description and carry on with your work.But, since you are reading this description, it is very obvious, that your mind is still looking for answers, regarding meditation, or else there was no need for you to browse about meditations.
Such is the nature of mind, when it wants it makes us do things which we don’t want to do, and when our mind doesn’t want, it will prevent us from doing, however badly we want to do that particular task.
This magical mind, influences us and our daily routine life,so badly and to the extent which is unimaginable. Some of you might disagree with me and few of you may agree , on this issue of influence.
For all those who agree with me, need to rise to the next level, in this ocean of meditations, and those who disagree with me, must be helped and explained with the help of examples,ans this is the main purpose of this book,to guide you and to help those who are already lost,in the name of false meditation.
Once we understand the influence of our untrained mind, on our daily life, our relationships, our profession and everything else for that matter, it will become clear that, we are no more than a slave to our mind and our mind is our ruler.
Further analysis will make you understand that it is not us, who are living the life, but it is only our mind who is living the life. Such a waste of this wonderful opportunity called “life”.
If one wants to live life with freedom, meditation is the only rescue, provided you are practicing meditation correctly.
Unfortunately, meditation has been misunderstood by many and propagated in the wrong manner. Nowadays meditation has become a moneymaking business which has nothing to do with knowledge,the wisdom and the teachings of Buddha.Words like stress, anger, anxiety, depression, mindfulness, meaningful life, mindful life, meditations, meditation classes has became a major source of attraction.
If one wants to truly meditate and dive in the ocean of meditation and knowledge, then this book will act as a guide, in your journey and will be very helpful for you to achieve desired results.
Meditations, different types of meditations, different techniques of meditations, different postures of meditations, meditation mats and so many other misconceptions about meditation will dissolve and disappear, as you read this book.
This book has helped many fellow beings suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, anger, jealousy,& sorrow, and I am sure, this book will prove to be of great help, to anyone who is in need.
Only thing is that, the reader must follow the instructions carefully and sincerely, which are mentioned in this book.Doing so will help you to get the desired results otherwise one may not achieve the intended benefit.
Meditation, meditations, stress, mindfulness are mere words, but as you read this book ,you will understand the real meaning of these words, with the help of meditations & in the light of teachings of the Buddha.
Best books on meditation and mindfulness,by Manish Shyamkul,
- “The Thinking Buddha” – Origin Of Thought.
- “Universal Truth about Meditation”
- “The Meaning Of Life” – Mind Over Matter.
- “Meditations And Beyond!-One page a day towards Stress-free, Mindful and Meaningful Life”
“Meditations” by Manish Shyamkul
For free meditation videos,mindfulness videos on you tube ,please visit our you tube channel.
If you are curious to learn more and get more information on meditation -Meditation for beginners , meditation, meditation counselling in Mumbai, meditation for relaxation, meditation music, meditation and mindfulness, meditation and your health, meditation and stress, meditation and depression and many more things to learn in meditation and related to meditation. if you wish can follow us on our website- https://www.latikaeyeandmaternityclinic.com/
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