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Healing Grief and loss – The Buddha Way – Wisdom Of Buddha Technique
Healing Grief and loss – The Buddha Way – Wisdom Of Buddha Technique-This techniques has helped, many fellow beings in successfully healing their grief.
But before learning about this technique for healing grief, it is very important for one to understand what is the true meaning of grief.What is the meaning of grief?
Healing Grief and loss – What are you suffering from is it is it really grief or is it a misconception about grief which is overwhelming you and your emotions and mind.This is precisely what we are trying to focus in this article.[Meaning of grief]
Here in this article we will discuss about grief healing, grief counselors perspective and the counselling for grief, the Buddha way technique, which is real eye opener.[Meaning of grief]

Healing Grief With The White Feathers Of “Wisdom Of Buddha”
What is the meaning of grief?
- Answering this question does not mean anything.
- Knowing the meaning of grief does not mean anything.
- But understanding the meaning of grief means everything.

what does grieving mean
Reading about grief and loss, grief counselling, healing grief, grief counselor may be helpful .[Meaning of grief]
Simply reading about the definition of grief and learning about the meaning of grief will take you nowhere.
The one who has suffered loss of the beloved one is the one who truly understands grief.
Accepting grief is only the beginning, but what next?
It is the one who has lost the beloved one, only he or she knows about the suffering involved while going through the emotion called as grief.
The Grieving Buddha
Grieving gifts
Healing Grief and loss – The grief, & the grieving, has been overwhelming you, and the grief counselling sessions didn’t work for you.And if this is the case,then my dear friend,the Teachings of Buddha is at our rescue.
Please prepare yourself, as you are about to read the statement, a single statement of mindfulness, which is enough for you to change your life, as it exists today.

The Grief
- What is the meaning of grief?
The meaning of grief differs from one person to another. But the reaction remains the same. - This reaction or human emotions to any form of loss, is called as grief.
- But when the grief occurs From the loss of near or dear one’s death, then such a loss is unbearable .
- This kind of grief occurring From the loss or death of the loved one is called as Bereavement.

The Grieving
There may be thousands of definitions of grief , which may be available on internet. But just knowing the meaning of grief does not suffice.
And what do I mean by that is
The one who has suffered loss not only nose the meaning of grief but he or she also understands the meaning of grief.
Grieving death
Healing Grief and loss – It is only when one understands the meaning of grief, that is the day or shall I say that is the moment of change in one’s life.
The meaning of death or the loss of the near one is very well understood at the moment of loss. And follows behind is the emotion called as grief.
The loss of the near one or the death of a near one, results the emotion of grief. [Meaning of grief]

The Grief Counselor
What is the meaning of grief?
Healing Grief and loss – Now as you must have realized , that even after reading the about two or three paragraphs we are still back to the same question, the very first line of this article with which we began, What is the meaning of grief?
And this is how the grief emotion keeps on coming again and again in one’s life.[Meaning of grief]
Healing Grief and loss – The emotion of grief consists of pain suffering anger and guilt. This is a very wide spread misconception about grief.

Grieving meaning
Let me give an example,
Healing Grief and loss – If the death of the loved one has ended the suffering of the diseased from pain and suffering and has finally ended the suffering for him. Then what will you be calling Such an instance. [Meaning of grief]
Will you still react with pain, sadness, anger and guilt. Probably not, that will be the moment of mixed emotions, and I believe you understand time to say.
So it is not the problem of grief , as we understand it, but the main problem is the misconception about the concept which is attached with the word grief.
Healing Grief and loss – When this misconception prevails in one’s life, when the emotions overpowers and keep on recurring this leads to a condition called as depression.[Meaning of grief]
Grieving definition
Healing Grief and loss – Do you want to overcome grief and suffering from the loss of your beloved one, then this book is a treat for you.
A treat for you as I mentioned it ,because this book will not only help you to overcome grief and the grieving but ,it will also help you to live mindfully so that depression ,stays far away from you, in future too. And this is achieved by working on the main root cause of the grief, and the grieving.
The Grief Counselor:Healing grief and loss
Healing Grief and loss – The biggest problem of those fellow beings, which are unable to overcome grief and the grieving, is that, they are completely lost in the past.
They are reliving there past experiences, but at the expense of present moment. This creates lot of confusion in their minds, which traps them all the more in the past.
The memories of past trap such individuals and not allow them to overcome the grief and the grieving.
Healing grief and loss
Healing Grief and loss – If you want to learn more about Ignorance and Meditation, you can go through, the question and sessions of our meditation counselling session, which are published as e-book, with the view of helping all fellow beings, who are in search of their answers,
- “The Thinking Buddha” – Origin Of Thought.
- “Universal Truth about Meditation”
- “The Meaning Of Life” – Mind Over Matter.
- “Meditations And Beyond!-One page a day towards Stress-free, Mindful and Meaningful Life”
- “Overcoming Depression”- Mindfulness Meditation.
- “The grieving Buddha”: Healing Grief with the White Feather’s of Wisdom of Buddha.
Grieving process
Healing Grief and loss – “The Grieving Buddha:Healing Grief With The White Feathers Of “Wisdom Of Buddha-The Grief Counselor” Is a book, which is based on the knowledge, given to us by the man of wisdom, the Buddha?
here in the light of the teachings of the Buddha and meditation, and mindfulness and based on our experience as the counselor, meditation counselor and with the help of experience gathered over several years of meditation ,we have already helped several fellow beings to overcome grief and the grieving.
The grief and the grieving are universal and are experienced by all fellow beings. In the modern society, today the term, the grief, and the grieving has received major attention, due to one of the severe manifestation called as depression, and is associated with the topic under discussion, The grief and the grieving.
Healing grief and loss
Healing Grief and loss – The book aims at answering, the grief and the grieving in the light of the teachings of the Buddha.
The term grief and the grieving, mean a lot to us as humans, as it depicts the loss of the beloved one.
But at times those affected are unable to overcome the grief and the grieving, and get trapped in the unseen darkness of depression.
Steps of grieving
As one gets trapped in this the grief and the grieving cycle, various stages are experienced like denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Healing Grief and loss – The term The grief and the grieving, means a lot to all of us, but are experienced by all the fellowbeings differently.
There are many fellow beings who not only experience The grief and the grieving, in different ways, but at times fall prey to the emotional imbalance only to experience extremes of The grief and the grieving.
We help you heal grief and loss
In my meditation experience and the knowledge of meditation which I have gathered over several years ,by giving lectures and by conducting seminars, on grief counselling and meditation counselling, I have realized that fellow beings who are trapped and experience extremes of grief and grieving ,require more help in term of understanding and realizing the true meaning of life and death.
Such fellow beings not only experience the extremes of grief and grieving, but also suffer mental trauma ,only to get trapped in the disturbed emotional imbalance and they react by start living in past.
Living in past, is there major problem, which doesn’t allow them to come out of grief and the grieving. This only disturbs there life, but the family also suffers for long time.
Such individuals require help, in the form of explanation, a helping hand in the form of counselling and the final, ultimate truth…the meditation and mindfulness.
Grief counselling near me for healing grief and loss
Meditation is the only real help which can help those who are trapped in extremes of grief and the grieving.
The Grief Counselor
Commonly we hear, grief and grieving from loss of beloved one,
grief and grieving from loss of spouse, grief and grieving from loss of father, grief and grieving from loss of mother, grief and grieving from loss of husband, grief and grieving from loss of brother, grief and grieving from loss of sister grief and grieving from loss of pet, grief and grieving from loss of child, grief and grieving from loss of baby , grief and grieving from loss of cat , grief and grieving from loss of relationship….and so on,
Grief counselling near me
But grief is common, and is experienced differently under different circumstances but the intensity suffered by those who suffer extremes of grief and grieving, is beyond description.
This book “The Grieving Buddha:Healing Grief With The White Feathers Of “Wisdom Of Buddha-The Grief Counselor”, aims to make aware and help such fellow beings ,so that they start to live in past.
And by doing so the influence of past memories and events is weakened, thereby allowing such trapped individuals to come out of grief and the grieving.
If you want to learn more about Ignorance and Meditation, you can go through, the question and sessions of our meditation counselling session, which are published as e-book, with the view of helping all fellow beings, who are in search of their answers,
- “The Thinking Buddha” – Origin Of Thought.
- “Universal Truth about Meditation”
- “The Meaning Of Life” – Mind Over Matter.
- “Meditations And Beyond!-One page a day towards Stress-free, Mindful and Meaningful Life”
- “Overcoming Depression”- Mindfulness Meditation.
- “The grieving Buddha”: Healing Grief with the White Feather’s of Wisdom of Buddha.
learn more @ http://www.latikaeyeandmaternityclinic.com/meditation-hack-life/