Cancer from Oral-Sex

Dr Manish Shyamkul Eye doctor & Child Eye Specialist in Mumbai
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   Cancer from Oral-Sex

 Cancer and Oral-Sex

Cancer,cold sore,blow job,oral sex these are the words we all know, but recently the concerns and the effects it might produce have changed and has recently come to lime light.

Shocking is the title, but more shocking is the fact what you are going to read in this article.

Can oral sex give you cancer?-Sexual health

Cancer from Oral-Sex – We don’t really have to go in details, regarding oral sex and the cancer, as we assume that both the concepts are very well known to our readers but what we want you to understand is the link, between them which has come to our attention recently.

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Cancer from Oral-Sex learn more at

Oral sex cancer epidemic

Cancer from Oral-Sex – Thanks to the modern and latest research going on in the same field,which has warned and helped us to understand the link between the two,which i am sorry to say but is unbelievable.

As per recent study ,

“Oral sex  expected to overtake smoking,as the leading cause of oral cancer “.

As we know the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are

common sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are

  • Genital Herpes-marked by genital pain and sores.
  • Chlamydia-this may not have any symptoms.
  • Gonorrhea-might have discharge,pain,and if untreated may lead to serious problems and in long term ,it might also lead to infertility.
  • HIV-compromises body defense mechanism and leads to serious medical conditions.
  • SYPHILIS-starts as a painless sore.
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Oral-Sex and Cancer

Cancer from Oral-Sex – This is what we were aware about and we had medical guidelines in order to prevent the spread and to treat them.

What causes cancer in the mouth and throat?

But recently our understanding about the new addition to the above list,and its spread in community, has came to our attention.

Can you get cancer from Oral-Sex

Cancer from Oral-Sex – Ill-health, disability, mental trauma, chemotherapy, radiation, surgery,bed ridden patient, depression, and sometimes death ,this is what comes to our mind when we talk about cancer

Throat cancer and Mouth cancer from oral-sex

Cancer from Oral-Sex – There are thousands of reasons which have been understood and have been successfully found to be a causative factor for the development of cancer. But there has been one more addition to the list, and here the culprit is oral sex.

Oral-sex Cancer

Cancer from Oral-Sex – Also genital herpes makes us think about cold sore,but not every blister which looks like a cold sore is herpes.

How do you get HPV in the mouth?

A blister which looks like a cold sore can be caused by other viruses also,unless proved otherwise.

How common is HPV in the mouth?

Number of viruses can produce a blister like a cold sore.

Oral sex Cancer

In the modern world where pornography is so easily accessible and available on Internet, the ill effects of those also surfaced,with same ease and are expected to rise in large numbers in near future.

Oral sex and cancer of the throat

The modern pornography shows and propagates certain un-natural sexual activities (oral sex) which in turn are watched and replicated or practiced by population which has led to the sudden increase in the incidence of new cases of cancer, very specifically of head, neck, and throat.

Oral sex and cancer of the mouth

No doubt unprotected sex is the culprit for a variety of other diseases, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), ofcourse HIV the most dreaded one,now we have a new addition to this list called cancer.

Is it more risky giving oral sex to a woman or a man?

This is what we have understood between the association, initiation, and spread which occurs between oral sex and oral cancer as per today.

Oral sex may cause cancer

The causative agent here for the development of cancer is a virus called as “human papilloma virus-HPV” which spreads through body secretions and leads to cervical cancer during unprotected sex and in the same way leads to oral cancer through the body secretions during oral sex.

How does HPV cause cancer?

It appears that pornography which is so easily available and accessible on Internet distracts teenagers and adults, who in turn also try to replicate such practices. Unaware of the harm it can lead to, they continue such practices for fun and pleasure.

Oral sex cancer scare

This has led to the sudden increase of the new cases of oral cancers wherein human papilloma virus was the causative agent, and possibly the mode of spread was oral sex.
The intention of this article is to create awareness about the same.

Throat cancer from oral sex

In today’s world patient information and education are of utmost importance.

we agree, but awareness among society and general population is one of the very important and powerful strategy, for prevention which helps in eliminating the malpractices and unnatural sexual activities which hopefully will decrease the incidence of new cases.

Safer oral sex

This was the intention of this article and hopefully we have been successful in explaining our readers in a simple manner the ill effects of oral sex.

We would appreciate if you also try to circulate this message and share this article as much as possible, so that we can collectively help creating awareness among those who are not yet informed. Keep healthy, be safe and enjoy life.

Dr Manish Shyamkul Eye doctor & Child Eye Specialist in Mumbai

Latika eye clinic Malad west call now - 8591733419 Eye care at its best in Malad west. Dr. Manish Shyamkul Pediatric ophthalmologist & Eye Specialist Doctor in Mumbai at Latika child Eye care clinic Malad west, LATIKA Children's Eye Clinic & Squint Clinic (Latika Eye & Maternity Specialty Clinic.).Certified & trained pediatric eye specialist for eye problems in newborns,infants,babies,toddlers,kids,children & adults.Authored multiple books published on amazon & a passionate meditation teacher. Other than clinic hours, we are also open 24 hrs for emergency eye problems.

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