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  Harmful effects of mobile phones

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LATIKA Children Eye Clinic&Squint Clinic (Latika Eye & Maternity Specialty Clinic.)mumbai, lazy eye treatment in mumbai

Effect of mobile phone on child’s eyes – Excessive use of mobile phones and its Harmful effects on your health. All the side effects due to Excessive use of mobile phones and its ill effects are surmised in this essay article.

WHO Recommendations on screentime for different age groups at a glance – Read ahead in this article…….

Effect of mobile phones on child’s eyes – Early childhood is a very significant period for the developing child. It is a period of rapid development and a time when family lifestyle patterns can be quickly adapted by a child to boost health and mental gains.

Achieving health doesn’t only mean diet, nutrition, immunity, but what it means is, doing what is best for health right from the beginning of people’s lives.


Improving physical activity, reducing sedentary time and ensuring quality sleep in children will not only improve their physical, mental health and wellbeing, but will also help in preventing childhood obesity and associated diseases later in life.

If we understood the meaning of the above lines, than we also understood the wrong which we are doing to children or how unknowingly children are doing harm to themselves.

Harmful effects of mobile phone essay in english

Harmful effects of mobile phone essay in english

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40 Harmful effects of mobile phones on your brain, eyes and human health

40 Harmful effects of mobile phones on your brain, eyes and human health, students (essay) – Are you planning to gift mobile phone to your kid this Christmas,or for security issues you wish your child must have a cellphones.

Well good this is a sound decision, but you must also be aware of the harmful effect of mobile phones and side effects of cell phones on eyes and health. In this article you are going to learn more about effects of excessive use of mobile phones on children, students and professionals.

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – In this article essay you are going to learn something which should have been known long ago and most important of all, what are the side effects of using mobile phones.

In short, here in this article we are going to learn, the effects of using mobile phones too much.{Effect of mobile phone on child eyes}

LATIKA Children Eye Clinic&Squint Clinic (Latika Eye & Maternity Specialty Clinic.)mumbai, lazy eye treatment in mumbai

40 Side effects of mobile phones

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – If you are not aware of the ill-effects of smartphones do read this guide on the Harmful effects of mobile phones on your eyes and health.

Before we summarise and understand all the harmful effects and side effect of mobile phone on child eyes, let us understand the WHO guidelines on screen time.

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes

I am sure most of us were never aware about existence of such guidelines about screentime.

let’s take a glance, at WHO guidelines on screen time and the effect of mobile phone on child eyes.

WHO Recommendations on screentime at a glance

Infants (less than 1 year) – Effect of mobile phone on child eyes

This age group must be physically active several times a day in a variety of ways, particularly through interactive floor-based play; more is better.
For those not yet mobile, this includes at least 30 minutes in prone position (tummy time) spread throughout the day while awake.

Not be restrained for more than 1 hour at a time (e.g. prams/strollers, high chairs, or strapped on a caregiver’s back). Screen time is not recommended. When sedentary, engaging in reading and storytelling with a caregiver is encouraged.

Have 14–17h (0–3 months of age) or 12–16h (4–11 months of age) of good quality sleep, including naps.

Children 1-2 years of age – Effect of mobile phone on child eyes

Spend at least 180 minutes in a variety of types of physical activities at any intensity, including moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity, spread throughout the day; more is better.

Not be restrained for more than 1 hour at a time (e.g., prams/strollers, high chairs, or strapped on a caregiver’s back) or sit for extended periods of time. For 1-year-olds, sedentary screen time (such as watching TV or videos, playing computer games) is not recommended.

For those aged 2 years, sedentary screen time should be no more than 1 hour; less is better. When sedentary, engaging in reading and storytelling with a caregiver is encouraged.

Have 11-14 hours of good quality sleep, including naps, with regular sleep and wake-up times.

Children 3-4 years of age – Effect of mobile phone on child eyes

Spend at least 180 minutes in a variety of types of physical activities at any intensity, of which at least 60 minutes is moderate- to vigorous intensity physical activity, spread throughout the day; more is better.

Not be restrained for more than 1 hour at a time (e.g., prams/strollers) or sit for extended periods of time. Sedentary screen time should be no more than 1 hour; less is better. When sedentary, engaging in reading and storytelling with a caregiver is encouraged.

Have 10–13h of good quality sleep, which may include a nap, with regular sleep and wake-up times.

Now do you understand the gravity of the situation, what is recommended and what is being followed.

Excessive use of mobile phones

dr manish shyamkul eye doctor ,childrens eye specialist in mumbai working in his clinic LATIKA Children Eye Clinic&Squint Clinic (Latika Eye & Maternity Specialty Clinic.)mumbai ,goregaon west.
  • Points covered in this guide on harms of cell phones to health are, Effect of mobile phone on child eyes
  •  The harmful effect of cell phones and smartphones on students, professionals, and on all who use cellphones excessively.
  • This is a complete guide, easy and helpful informative article on ill effects of excessive use of mobile phones on your eyes and on your kid’s eyes.
  • Side effects of mobile phones and all possible negative effects of mobile phones on eyes and health are explained in detail in this easy and helpful guide authored by experts.
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The Harmful Effects of Mobile Phones on Kids: A Deep Dive into the Digital Dangers

In today’s digital age, mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. They offer convenience, entertainment, and instant communication, but they also bring along a set of concerns, especially when it comes to children. With the widespread use of smartphones among kids, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks they pose. In this blog post, we’ll explore the harmful effects of mobile phones on kids and discuss ways to mitigate these risks.

1. Impact on Physical Health:

Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to various physical health issues among children. Prolonged screen time can cause eyestrain, leading to discomfort and headaches. Moreover, poor posture while using mobile phones can result in neck and back pain, commonly known as “text neck.” Additionally, the exposure to blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep patterns, affecting the overall well-being of children.

2. Negative Impact on Mental Health:

Mobile phones can have a detrimental effect on the mental health of children. Social media platforms and online interactions can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Cyberbullying, a prevalent issue among young users, can cause emotional distress and have long-lasting consequences on a child’s mental well-being.

3. Negative Impact on Academic Performance:

Excessive use of mobile phones can interfere with a child’s academic performance. Constant notifications and distractions can lead to decreased focus and productivity. Moreover, late-night usage can disrupt sleep patterns, leaving children tired and unable to concentrate during school hours. This can result in lower grades and hinder their overall learning experience.

4. Increased Risk of Addiction:

Mobile phones can be addictive, especially for young, impressionable minds. The instant gratification provided by games, social media, and other applications can create a dependency that is hard to break. Smartphone addiction can lead to decreased physical activity, social isolation, and a decline in face-to-face interactions, hindering the child’s social skills and overall development.

5. Exposure to Inappropriate Content:

The internet is a vast space, and not all content is suitable for children. Despite parental controls and filters, kids can still stumble upon inappropriate or harmful content while using mobile phones. Exposure to such content can have a lasting impact, shaping their attitudes and behaviors in undesirable ways.

6. Impact on Sleep Patterns:

Mobile phones, especially when used before bedtime, can disrupt a child’s sleep patterns. The blue light emitted by screens suppresses melatonin production, making it difficult for children to fall asleep. Lack of proper sleep can affect their mood, cognitive abilities, and overall health, leading to a decline in their overall quality of life.

What are the side effects of using mobile phones

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – Are you worried about the bad effects of cell phones on your child’s eyes and want to know the details of cell phones and child development, then this essay article is for you.

Negative effects of mobile phones

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – The most common FAQ’s on smartphone effects on your eyes and health and excessive use of mobile phones are answered here in a very simple language.

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes should actually be called as harmful effects of mobile phones on eyes.

I understand its sad but the truth is mobile phones effect on child’s eyes and on your eyes is damaging eyes.

Especially in this period of COVID-lockdown, when most of the time is spent on mobile phones.Its better for all of us to understand the effect of mobile phones on child’s eyes and also on your eyes, in detail.

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes

Side effects of mobile phone on eyes was always a concerned, but ow a days due to inreased screen time or as most of call it increased digital screen time ,it has become a deep concern.

Effect of mobile on eyes of child eyes as we will be discussed in detail in this article on harmful effects of mobile phones on eyes.

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – Here we have tried to summarise 40 harmful effects of mobile phones on eyes, but let me tell you one thing the list is endless.

FAQ’s on the effects of mobile phones on child eyes

What happens when we use mobile for a long time?

What are the effects of mobile phones on students?

What are the harmful effects of using cell phones?

What are the negative effects of smartphones?

Smartphone (cell phones,mobile phones) and eye damage?

and many more such questions about bad effects of mobile phones on students and human health and  are answered in detail and simple manner.

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40 Harmful effects of Mobile Phones on students 

Effect of mobile phone on child’s eyes – 40 Harmful effects of mobile phones (cell phones, smartphones) on your kid’s eyes, is an article published in the public interest, community awareness, and health education.

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – The author of this article is a children’s eye specialist in Mumbai, a squint specialist and renowned pediatric ophthalmologist and Neuro-ophthalmologist in Mumbai.

ill effects of mobile phones

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – This article focuses on 40! harmful effects of cell phones on human health, and excessive use of mobile phones, answers all the question which you are in your mind about the impact of mobile phone on youth, students and children eyes and health.

Effect of mobile phone cell phones, smartphones on students

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – The aim of this article is to create awareness regarding the harmful effects caused by excessive use of Smart phone technology and excessive use of mobile phones.

There was a time when we all used to say, children should not watch a lot of T.V otherwise they will get glasses and their eyes will become weak.

Everything said and done, with the invention of new technologies, television has probably lost the race and its places now taken by newer devices like desktops, laptops, tablets, & Smart cell phones.

Well in future also, there will be lot of new devices which will be invented and surely they will beat the ones existing today.

We cannot stop the invention of new devices as there is a major part of education, learning, information & update of our knowledge also happening with the help of these new devices.

But along with its advantages, we also have tons of disadvantages in store for us, and they are called as harmful Effect of mobile phone on child eyes

As always, Of course nothing comes free, and there is a price to pay.Lets learn, effects of using mobile phones too much and excessive use of mobile phones.

Ill effects of excessive use of mobile phones

Are mobile phones dangerous?

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – No device as such is harmful and that is the reason it has been approved for the use of human beings.

Problems come when they are misused, excessive use of mobile phones or when they are used in the wrong way. As per statistics most of these devices are either not used properly, and the disadvantages or the harmful effects show up quickly when they are overused.

Effect of excessive use of smartphones on eyes?

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – The problems with the use of smartphones and effect of excessive use of the mobile phone on eyes, we are all facing today, and it becomes all the more important when these problems get targeted towards our kid’s eyes.

Harmful effects of mobile phones

Harmful effects of mobile phones is a very important issue and must be very well understood by us in today’s times.Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to serious consequences ranging from minor side effects to cancer on the other extreme. Learn and understand this article in detail ,as this is very important for the well being of present and future generations..read more…

Harmful effects of mobile phones on students

In today’s times,students and professionals are the one who are using mobile phones excessively. Harmful effects of mobile phones on students is an in-depth article essay which aims to explain the side effects of using mobile phones on students and professional .These side effects can range from mild to serious problems and health issues like cancer.Read more….

Harmful effects of mobile phones essay in English

Harmful effects of mobile phones essay in English,is a very important essay and is must to understand in detail about the same.Students using mobile phones excessively must be made aware of the side effects of excessive use of mobile phones, which can at times lead to serious consequences like cancer.Read more…

Harmful effects of mobile phones on human health

Mobile phones are very harmful for human health when used excessively and in wrong ways.Mobile phones can make one sick and the sickness ranges from eye strain to cancer as a result of radiation.To read more about Harmful effects of mobile phones, read more..

Effects of using mobile phones too much

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – As we all know in today’s world kids are using all the aforementioned devices and not to mention Smart mobile phone has got the maximum accessibility, and availability leading to excessive usage among kids.

40 Harmful effects of cell phones on students

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – Kids are learning lot of new information, educational material, updated knowledge and also using Smart mobile phones for entertainment and recreation.

Most of the kids do use Smart mobile phones as a source of passing time.but in most of the cases, parents and kids both are unaware of Effect of mobile phone on child eyes.

Whichever way, a child uses Smart mobile phones, but there are certain concerns that parents must be aware of, before handing over Smart mobile phones to their kids.

40 Harmful effect of mobile phone on human health

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – This article is a sincere attempt to summaries all the harmful effect of Smart cell phones and excessive use of mobile phones on kid’s eyes and health in general.

All these harmful effects are very well understood by medical science, and the list is expected to grow, in the future. In years to come, we will have enough data, regarding the long term use of this Smart mobile technology and the negative effects; it has created on kids’ eyes and health in general.

Negative effects of cell phones

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – Till date our data is limited to short term use of this Smart mobile phone technology, most of the harmful effects produced after long term usage, are not yet surfaced and only time will uncover them.

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – As time passes by, these long term ill effects will start surfacing and will be prime reason for the endless list of harms faced by humans, due to the use of Smart mobile technology specifically Smartphones.

Impact of smartphones on youth

Effect of mobile phone on child eyes – Let us first enumerate all these harmful effects of Smart mobile phones and later we shall discuss each one in detail. Most of the problems, which have been identified till present date, after the discovery of Smart mobile phones and its use till date, are as follows,

Dangers of mobile phones

  1. Cell phones causing eye strain in kids eyes.
  2. Tablets causing development of squint in children’s eyes.

Smart mobile phones causing development of glass prescription in kids, spectacle’s.

  1. Cell phones causing strabismus in children.
  2. Mobile phones causing cock eyes, misaligned eyes due to accommodative stress on eyes..

Harmful effect of Smart mobile phones on health -Cell phones causing recurrent headache due to improper posture, illumination and wrong working distance during the use of Smart mobile phones in teenagers and adults.

YES, cell phone can cause cancer

  • Cancer due to mobile phones is reported and is a very important health concern.Cancer is one of the negative effects of cellphones on human eyes and human health.
  • The risk Of cancer is due to harmful radiation that is continuously emitted from smartphones. Brain, nerves, skin, and all our body tissues are delicate structures and they are very tender in children. when such delicate body tissues are exposed to radiation in high doses or for prolonged duration, the risk of cancer increases.

28. The risk of Accidents due to the use of mobile phones while driving, crossing the road, or walking on footpath has increased dramatically.

The actual number of accidents, road traffic accidents, and industrial accidents are increasing at an alarming rate.

29. Loss of study time.

30. Negative impact on education.

31. Psychological problems.

32. Development of anger, and anxiety due to games and inappropriate content.

33. Effects of cell phones on the brain.

34. Inappropriate behavior.

35. Learning negative habits, and malpractice from the Internet.

36. Adult sites and pornographic sites-children get exposed to inappropriate photographic advertisements and severely damaging pornographic pop-ups.

37. Effect of cell phones on children’s necks- called as “cell phone neck syndrome”.

38. Negative impact on the parent-child relationship.

39. Cell phone addiction.

40. Last but not least, is the serious effects of improper usage of cell phone on your kid’s eyes- or rather I should say –improper use of cell phones damaging your children’s eyes.

Bad effects of mobile phones on students

Effect of mobile phones on child’s eyes – This does not mean, children should not use cell phones, Smart mobile phones or mobile phones. We should not deprive them from learning, educating, and updating themselves with recent information and databases, which is the need of modern times.

But there is a proper way of using these devices, be it a cell phone, Smart mobile phone, tablet Or desktop.

Positive effects of mobile phones

Effect of mobile phones on children’s eyes – If used in the proper way then the only thing these devices, offer you is a huge benefit for your children’s learning and knowledge. These devices will not only improve your child’s knowledge from educational, and academic points of view but also in all aspects of learning and creativity.

This is all possible, only if these devices, Smart mobile phones are used in the proper way.

And here, we land up with a million-dollar question.

What is the proper way of using smartmobile phones??

Harmful effects of Smart mobile phones on humans?

Effect of mobile phones on child’s eyes – Here in this series of articles, we shall discuss all these questions and concerns that parents and students are worried about when it comes to the use of Smart mobile phones and its harmful effects on children’s eyes.

  1. How to use cell phones safely.
  2. How to make use of Smart mobile phones, in a friendly and Smart mobile way, to get the maximum benefit from cell phones for students, children, and adults?
  3. How to avoid the harmful effects of Smart mobile phones on students and kids?

The effect of mobile phones on children’s eyes should actually be called as harmful effects of mobile phones on the eyes.I understand its sad but the truth is mobile phones effect on children’s eyes and on your eyes is damaging eyes. especially in this period of covid-lockdown, when most of the time is spent on mobile phones.

Effect of mobile phones on child eyes – Side effects of mobile phones on eyes have always a concern, but ow days due to increased screen time or as most of us call it increased digital screen time,it has become a deep concern.

Effect of mobile on the eyes of child eyes as we will discuss in detail in this article on harmful effects of mobile phones on eyes.

Effect of mobile phones on child eyes – Here we have tried to summarise 40 harmful effects of mobile phones on eyes, but let me tell you one thing the list is endless.

we have got lots of comments from our followers and thanks to kids who have also used this article in their school homework on the harmful effects of mobile phone essays in English.

Harmful Effects of mobile Phone essays are one of the most searched essays by parents and children for obvious reasons.

Effect of mobile phone on child’s eyes – we hope all the parents and children who are reading this article on the effect of mobile phones on a child’s eyes will find it useful and derive much-needed information to keep your eyes and your child’s eye-safe from harmful effects of mobile phones on eyes.

In our next article in this series, we shall answer all the above questions and also learn ways to And we will also learn, how to avoid the above-mentioned harmful effects of Smart cell phones on students and kids?

Other related article which might interest you,

So until, next time don’t overuse Smart mobile phone technology….

About the author,

Dr Manish Shyamkul” is a kid’s eye specialist doctor in Mumbai, paediatric eye specialist ophthalmologist doctor in Mumbai, consultant at children’s eye hospital at Goregaon west, Latika Eye Clinic – Malad west, chincholi link road , Mumbai,INDIA. He is completely  dedicated for the diagnosis, investigations, treatment and management of children’s eye disorders.

Facilities-Squint specialist, Neuro-Ophthalmologist, children’s eye diseases, counseling on children’s eye problems and counseling for behavioral eyes problems in children.

For details –children’s eye specialist in Mumbai, pediatric ophthalmologist in Mumbai.

If you have any queries or suggestions on what are the side effects of using mobile phones, or effects of using mobile phones too much, please put them in the comment box below, and we will try to reply as quickly as we can on Harmful effects of mobile phones and excessive use of mobile phones.

we hope this article on the effect of mobile phones on the child’s eyes has given you adequate information about the side effects of mobile phones on eyes.

if you wish to learn more about side effects of mobile phones on eyes or if you have any query about the effect of mobile phones on child’s eyes, the mobile effect on child’s eye, harmful effects of mobile phones essay in English, side effects of mobile phone on eyes, side effects of the phone on eyes, the effect of mobile on eyes of a child, harmful effects of mobile phones on eyes, harmful effects of mobile phones essay, effects of the phone on eyes please do comment in the comment section below.

we will try to answer all the queries regarding
side effects of mobile phone on eyes or if you have any query about the effect of mobile phone on child’s eyes, the mobile effect on child’s eye, harmful effects of mobile phone essay in English, side effects of mobile phone on eyes, side effects of the phone on eyes, effect of mobile on eyes of a child, harmful effects of mobile phones on eyes, harmful effects of mobile phones essay, effects of the phone on eyes ..as soon as possible.

we also thank all the children who have read this article and have understood the gravity of the harmful effects of mobile phones on eyes, as we hope children will always keep in mind the side effects of mobile phones on eyes and will try to reduce the screen time.

For more information on harmful effects of mobile phones and treatment of harmful effects of mobile phones..please contact us at treatment of children’s eye diseases in Mumbai


While mobile phones offer numerous benefits, it’s crucial for parents and guardians to be aware of the potential dangers they pose to children. By setting boundaries, monitoring usage, and promoting healthy screen time habits, parents can mitigate the harmful effects of mobile phones on their kids. Encouraging outdoor activities, face-to-face interactions, and fostering a balance between the digital world and real-life experiences can go a long way in ensuring the well-being of the younger generation in this digital age.